SCRIPTURE & FOCUS – Week Of September 3, 2023 – September 9, 2023

God Is In Control


(7) Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? (8) If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.  — Psalm 139:7-8 KJV

Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?  If I ascend to heaven, you are there!  If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! Psalm 139:7-8 ESV

Wednesday Corporate Fasting Scripture – Isaiah 58 (ESV); Isaiah 58 (KJV)

Friday End of Week Scripture – Ephesians 3:20-21 (KJV)


Blessed Birthday Song by Minister Nadine Cager


Open Invitation – Introduction Class
Join the Introduction Class on 1-605-313-4831; access code 259-748#, whenever your Class Facilitator is absent 

Did you miss your class today? Do you want an evangelism tool?
If yes  — call or share the Introduction Class Instant Replay
1-605-313-4904; access code 259-748# 

Open Invitation – Intercessory Prayer
Join the Intercessory Team every 2nd Saturday of each month
1-605-313-5671; access code 563-972#
start time is 4:45 AM

Young Adult Prayer Call (Age Group 18-35)
1-605-472-5660; access code 781-480#
start time is 7:30 PM – every Sunday

You Are Welcome To Listen To
Class Review Instant Replays

Introduction Class – (605) 313-4904; access code 259-748#
Class 5 – (605) 468-8114; access code 694-591#

Class 6 – (605) 313-4899; access code 943-172# 

Visit here to submit Prayer Requests

***The English Standard Version (ESV) stands in the classic mainstream of English Bible translations over half-millennium. The fountainhead of that stream was William Tyndale’s New Testament of 1526; marking its course was the King James Version of 1611 (KJV), the English Revised Version of 1885 (RV), the American Standard Version of 1901 (ASV), the Revised Standard Version of 1952 and 1971 (RSV). Faithfulness to the text and vigorous pursuit of accuracy were combined with simplicity, beauty, and dignity of expression in that stream. Our goal has been to carry forward this legacy for a new century.

To this end, each word and phrase in the ESV has been carefully weighed against the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek to ensure the fullest accuracy and clarity and avoid under-translating or overlooking any nuance of the original text. The words and phrases grow out of the Tyndale-King James legacy and, most recently, out of the RSV, with the 1971 RSV text providing the starting point for our work. Archaic language has been brought to current usage, and significant corrections have been made in translating key texts. But throughout, our goal has been to retain the depth of meaning and enduring language that have made their indelible mark on the English-speaking world and have defined the life and doctrine of the church over the last four centuries.

The ESV is an “essentially literal” translation that seeks as far as possible to capture the precise wording of the original text and the personal style of each Bible writer. It seeks to be transparent to the original text, letting the reader see the structure and meaning of the original as directly as possible. More about the ESV translation philosophy….***


30 minutes MORNING DEVOTION worship songs with lyrics


Sunday, September 3, 2023THE BLESSED MASK2 Corinthians 3:1-6

Our Daily Bread Focus:  Holy Spirit

Reflect & Pray

What are your words and actions saying to others? How can you represent Christ in what you do today?

Dear Jesus, with each person I encounter today, help me to share what it means to live for You.

The Blessed Mask

Monday, September 4, 2023EXTREME KINDNESSJeremiah 52:31-34
Daily Bread Focus:  Salvation

Reflect & Pray

What acts of human kindness have reminded you of God’s goodness? How do you respond to the kindness of God who welcomes you into His family based on what Jesus has done?

Father, thank You for Your forgiving kindness. “Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe; sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow.” 

Extreme Kindness

Tuesday, September 5, 2023 “EVERYTHING IS AGAINST ME”Genesis 42:29-36
Daily Bread Focus(es): Hope; Suffering

Reflect & Pray

How have you seen God bring good out of difficulty? Where do you need to trust Him? 

Beautiful Savior, please help me keep my eyes on You and not on my problems. You’re always faithful!

“Everything Is Against Me”

Wednesday, September 6, 2023 I’M NOBODY! WHO ARE YOU?Philippians 3:4-14
Daily Bread Focus: Living like Christ
Scripture(s):  Philippians 2:5-11

Reflect & Pray

When have you experienced freedom from seeking self-worth in achievement or from others? How can finding yourself “in Christ” free you from both pride and self-rejection?

Loving God, thank You that I don’t need to try to be “somebody” to be loved and accepted by You.

Discover your true personality and how you can be used in the church.

I’m Nobody! Who Are You?

Thursday, September 7, 2023 ACTS OF KINDNESSRuth 2:5-12

Daily Bread Focus(es): Love for others; Serving

Scripture(s):  2 Samuel 9:1; Ruth 4:6, 9-10

Reflect & Pray

When have you been the giver or recipient of an act of kindness? What was the result?

Dear God, thank You for sending Your Son to redeem me, the greatest kindness of all.

Acts of Kindness

Friday, September 8, 2023 THE GOD OF SURPRISESMatthew 4:18-22
Daily Bread Focus(es): Living for Christ; Serving

Reflect & Pray

How do you react when you hear stories of God at work? How has He surprised you?

Loving Jesus, You call people to follow You in unique and amazing ways. Teach me to discern Your voice and respond to Your call. 

The God of Surprises

Saturday, September 9, 2023 ACCEPTING GUIDANCE – James 3:2-11

Our Daily Bread Focus:  Spiritual growth; Trinity

Reflect & Pray

What inner attitudes come out through your words? How might cooperation with the Spirit influence your speech?

Dear God, please change my heart so that my words encourage others and honor You.

Accepting Guidance


KINDNESS — It Costs Nothing But Means Everything – Inspirational Thoughts By Sister Clovia – 09 02 2023


It Costs Nothing But Means Everything

Helping others gives our life meaning and purpose. If someone is in need, and we lend a helping hand without expecting anything in return, then we are truly giving. Kindness is not in the act of giving; it is giving without expectation. 

Selfless help is a display of genuine kindness, and when we show this, our happiness increases, and our stress decreases. It is well-documented in studies conducted by the Mayo Clinic, the Clinical Psychological Science Journal, Harvard Health, and the Cleveland Clinic that small acts of kindness positively affect our physical and mental well-being.  

Kindness not only feels good, but it is also beneficial for our health, and kind people tend to live longer and healthier. The happiest people do the most for others; however, we must also use wisdom and balance here. 

Acts of kindness will reward us with happiness, but this needs to balance with living our own lives. Remember that kindness should be a blessing, not a burden. 

Jesus said in Luke 6:35“Love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for He is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.”

“Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person.” — Plato




***The Daily Devotionals are taken from Our Daily Bread Ministries and the Scriptures are from the BibleGateway.***

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