SCRIPTURE & FOCUS – Week Of November 20, 2022 – November 26, 2022


Count your blessings with a grateful heart


In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  — 1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV

give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. — 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV

Wednesday Corporate Fasting Scripture – Isaiah 58 (ESV); Isaiah 58 (KJV)

Friday End of Week Scripture – Ephesians 3:20-21 (KJV)


For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. — Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)
Blessed Birthday Song by Minister Nadine Cager


Open Invitation – Introduction Class
Join the Introduction Class on 1-605-313-4831; access code 259-748#, whenever your Class Facilitator is absent 

Did you miss your class today? Do you want an evangelism tool?
If yes  — call or share the Introduction Class Instant Replay
1-605-313-4904; access code 259-748# 

Open Invitation – Intercessory Prayer
Join the Intercessory Team every 2nd Saturday each month

1-605-313-5671; access code 563-972#
start time is 4:45AM

You Are Welcome To Visit Class Instant Replays

Introduction Class – (605) 313-4904; access code 259-748#
Class 5 – (605) 468-8114; access code 694-591#

Class 6 – (605) 313-4899; access code 943-172# 

Visit here to submit Prayer Requests

***The English Standard Version (ESV) stands in the classic mainstream of English Bible translations over half-millennium. The fountainhead of that stream was William Tyndale’s New Testament of 1526; marking its course was the King James Version of 1611 (KJV), the English Revised Version of 1885 (RV), the American Standard Version of 1901 (ASV), and the Revised Standard Version of 1952 and 1971 (RSV). Faithfulness to the text and vigorous pursuit of accuracy were combined with simplicity, beauty, and dignity of expression in that stream. Our goal has been to carry forward this legacy for a new century.

To this end, each word and phrase in the ESV has been carefully weighed against the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, to ensure the fullest accuracy and clarity and avoid under-translating or overlooking any nuance of the original text. The words and phrases themselves grow out of the Tyndale-King James legacy, and most recently, out of the RSV, with the 1971 RSV text providing the starting point for our work. Archaic language has been brought to current usage, and significant corrections have been made in translating key texts. But throughout, our goal has been to retain the depth of meaning and enduring language that have made their indelible mark on the English-speaking world and have defined the life and doctrine of the church over the last four centuries.

The ESV is an “essentially literal” translation that seeks as far as possible to capture the precise wording of the original text and the personal style of each Bible writer. It seeks to be transparent to the original text, letting the reader see the structure and meaning of the original as directly as possible. More about the ESV translation philosophy….***


70 Minutes 🍎 Gospel Jazz Music 🍎 Saxophone & Instrumental Music 🍎 Plus Scriptures on Staying Strong.


Sunday, November 20, 2022THE SOCRATIC CLUB1 Peter 3:13-18

Our Daily Bread Focus:  Evangelism

Reflect & Pray

How might you share your faith with someone? What evidence for the resurrection of Jesus makes it reasonable, even though it’s clearly miraculous?

Almighty God, thank You for giving me credible evidence to support my faith in You.

For further study, read Why We Believe: Evidences for Christian Faith.

The Socratic Club

Monday, November 21, 2022 READING BACKWARDSJohn 2:13-22

Daily Bread Focus: Christ, prophesies concerning; Bible, interpretation

Scripture(s):  2 Peter 1:19-21; 2 Timothy 2:15, 3:16

Reflect & Pray

What difficulties concern you about your future? When reflecting on your life, how are you learning to understand and believe God’s story that’s best understood and loved when read with eternity in view?

Father in heaven, thank You for letting me live long enough to see Your ability to show up and reveal the wonder of Your presence in ways I could not have foreseen.

Reading Backwards

Tuesday, November 22, 2022 FAITH IN ACTIONJames 2:14-26

Daily Bread Focus:  Salvation; Serving

Scripture(s): Hebrews 11:8; Galatians 5:13

Reflect & Pray

Why do you think it’s important that we do good deeds? What can you do out of your love for God?

May I serve You out of my faith in You and love for You today, dear God.

Faith in Action

Wednesday, November 23, 2022 TRUSTING OUR FUTURE TO GODEcclesiastes 10:12-14

Daily Bread Focus:  Trust in God; Decision Making

Scripture(s): Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 118:8; Isaiah 26:3-4

Reflect & Pray

Where do you see temptation to control the future? How can you better trust God with your coming days?

Dear God, help me to simply trust You today.  

Trusting Our Future To God

Thursday, November 24, 2022 HOPES AND LONGINGSProverbs 13:12-19

Daily Bread Focus:  Trust in God; Thankfulness

Scripture(s): 1 Chronicles 16:8; Psalm 100:4; Psalm 37:5; Isaiah 26:3-4

Reflect & Pray

When have you felt sick because of an unfulfilled longing? How did God meet you in your time of need?

God our Creator, You fulfill my deepest longings. I give You my hopes and my desires, asking You to grant them according to Your wisdom and love.

Hopes and Longings

Friday, November 25, 2022 ENDURING HOPERevelation 21:1-8

Daily Bread Focus:  Hope and Joy

Scripture(s): Isaiah 65:17-18; Romans 5:5; Revelation 7:17

Reflect & Pray

How has acknowledging God’s promise for a new heaven and a new earth comforted you? How can you encourage a hurting friend with the enduring hope of God’s promises?

Loving God, thank You for strengthening my resolve with the surety of my enduring hope.

For further study, read Prophetic Priorities: Wrestling with the End Times.

Enduring Hope

Saturday, November 26, 2022 BLESSED REPENTANCEHosea 14:1-4

Our Daily Bread Focus:  Forgiveness of Sin; Salvation; Sin

Reflect & Pray

What sins separate you from God? Are you ready to confess your need for Him and receive the forgiveness that He’s provided through His Son, Jesus?

Father, search my heart for anything that may contribute to my downfall and distance from you. Cleanse me, forgive me, and use me for Your honor.

Blessed Repentance


FAITH AND HOPE – Inspirational Thought By Sister Clovia – November 20 2022


Faith and hope are emotions that give us a sense of optimism. It is our faith and hope that helps us get through hard times. 

However, there is a difference between faith and hope. Let’s explore further:

Faith is grounded in the reality of the future, and hope is looking to its validity.  Without faith, there is no hope, and without hope, there is no faith. So the two go hand in hand.  

The most amazing things in life tend to happen right at the moment you are about to give up hope.  Hope is the belief we might get it done, and faith is the knowledge we will get it done.

When you walk by faith, you will never lose hope because:

 FAITH makes all things possible; 
 HOPE makes all things work, and 
 LOVE makes everything beautiful.

Love gives you hope; hope builds faith; faith brings you closer to God. So let’s keep loving, keep hoping, and always have faith in God. 

“My friends, make time for God every day because He always has time for you.” — Sister Clovia


Based on true story “Conversations with God” Drama, Adventure, full movie

***The Daily Devotionals are taken from Our Daily Bread Ministries and the Scriptures are from the BibleGateway.***

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