HEALTH EQUITY is when everyone has the OPPORTUNITY
to be as healthy (SPIRITUALLY, PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY) as possible.
(Please do not attempt any exercise without the expressed or written permission from your personal physician.)
COVID-19: Guidance For Your Community
COVID-19: Vaccines and Boosters
COVID-19: Coronavirus The Disease 2022
Influenza (FLU)
Shots & Vaccines
Medical Screening Tests
Health Literacy Month
The Institute of Healthcare Advancement sponsors Health Literacy Month in October to integrate and expand the mission of health literacy. Check out our MyHealthfinder tool to connect people with easy-to-understand information to assist them in managing their preventive health needs. It’s also a great time to explore our health literacy resources for health professionals to find strategies for sharing health information in ways that everyone can understand and use. And be sure to review our custom Healthy People 2030 health literacy objective list to learn about national targets to improve health literacy.
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October as a time to raise awareness about breast cancer. Get involved by sharing our easy-to-understand MyHealthfinder resources to encourage people to get tested for breast cancer and talk with the doctor about mammograms. And be sure to read up on the Healthy People 2030 Cancer objectives to learn about national progress related to reducing new cases of cancer.
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October was declared National Domestic Violence Month as a time to spread awareness and highlight efforts to prevent and address domestic violence. Check out and share the Office of Women’s Health’s resources on domestic or intimate partner violence. Stay up to date on progress made to prevent violence by checking out the Healthy People 2030 Violence Prevention objectives. Finally, consider sharing our MyHealthfinder tips for spotting signs of relationship violence.
National Youth Sports Week
The National Council on Youth Sports is celebrating National Youth Sports Week this year from October 24-29 — a time to showcase how communities can promote healthy lifestyles for children and families through sports. Get involved by sharing our National Youth Sports Strategy, the first federal road map with action steps for increasing participation in youth sports. You can also use our National Youth Sports Strategy Partner Promotion Toolkit and Move Your Way sample social media messages and graphics to encourage parents to get their kids more active. And if you’re interested in national efforts to improve health, fitness, and quality of life through regular physical activity, check out the Healthy People 2030 Physical Activity objectives. Finally, be sure to share our Play for Fun, Build Skills for Life video, which highlights the many benefits of sports that go beyond physical health — like teaching kids about teamwork, focus, and other important life skills.
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(please check those sites for further information)
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (KJV)